Build the life of your dreams; lessons borrowed from women in business

Women and business.

Two very powerful combination.

So recently my bosom friend invited me to a WIBA (Women in Business Association Botswana) high tea. She has been awesome in my life and when she recommends something I expect it to blow my mind and it did blow my mind.

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I got to hear stories of passionate entrepreneurial women, some of whom are the powerhouse of business in Botswana like Pinky Setlalekgosi, the woman behind Sprint Couriers and Sally Pillar of Nature Care.

The story lover in me did splits listening to how they started, how they fought against all odds and how they rock the business world. These women model what translating passion into business looks like.

They are taking their destiny into their own hands and their presence is felt beyond Botswana borders.

They add onto the list of many across the world, who run business empires.

There is so much we can learn from these women.

They have said, “good bye traditional roles, hello business, hello dreams,”

They teach us that they is a lot to do as women, so much more than slicing tear causing onions and peeling potatoes in the kitchen (which by the way I still think these are noble deeds).

They teach us that gender should not blind us to what we are capable of becoming.

They are strong and they come in their stilettos.


Watch this space
Watch this space


Stiletto power. That sharp thing can pierce challenge in the eye and break barriers.


If you want to achieve what they have achieved how you do it?

What propelled these women to success of this magnitude?

Thankfully here are powerful tips which  I learnt from these amazing women.


Start with the small things

Somehow in our lives we all experience overwhelm because of hundred things to do.

This can drains us and take away the will power to push through our dreams causing us  to be timid. So we end up postponing our dreams until they die a natural death.

But, if what is ahead of you is a chunk the size of an elephant, there is a way  around it, remember to fork it, cut it and take a single bite at a time.

That my friend is how people who have made it tackle and win tasks that seem beyond them.

This is principle is well articulated by Mark Zuckerberg,  “If you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.

Whenever the dream you have looks extraordinarily intimidating, do the easier and small things first, a simple step such as registering a business can kick start your dreams.

Small wins are just as important as big wins. Besides that is how momentum can be built for bigger tasks.


Build the ability to stay at it

You have to decide from the very beginning of your journey and settle in your heart that you will stay at it (whatever it is you want to achieve).

Starting does not guarantee any wins but the ones who decide early in their paths that they will stick with it are guaranteed success.

Things will get out of control but you will have to stick with it.


Build the ability to knock at doors.

You never will succeed if you are not prepared to knock at doors, you may have to knock on hundred doors with the answer being no 99 times but somehow the hundred door you knock on might just open.

For the most part you just have to step out and ask, people are often willing to help than we give them credit for.


Resolve to build networks that will help you succeed.

Inability to build network is a barrier to success.

It deprives the opportunity to grow.

It was one of the women, Dorcas Kgosietsile who shared on building network of 10 people; Club 10. It was in Club 10 that they started to save P1000 every month and over the years that same effort has allowed them to buy property in prime areas and achieve a whole lot of other things they would not have achieved on their own.

Best way to succeed is not to go alone.


Put a lot so you get a lot out

You want to get a lot out of what you started you have to put a lot in it, sweat and blood will be required of you.

A lot of us do not want to put the hard work but we want the results.

Pinky shared on how she had to deny herself the luxury of life just to build the business of her dreams. (I love this woman read more about her here)

So get a little tough on yourself , demand a lot from yourself.

Remember to whom much is given much is required.



These women I met achieved more than the rest of us. But moving from good to great is not meant just for other people.

It is meant for you too. It will depend though on what you do, the actions you are willing to take will fuel or kill the possibility of you realizing your dreams.

So why not make a resolve to take the path your heart longs for?

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