Guest Post; we can do this life thing!!!

This a guest post inspired my interaction with Gae an amazing writer whom  I have watched  bloom and grow into something beautiful. She has had her struggles but what drew me to her is that she has a fighting spirit, she is one of the grittiest young person I have come across. As I was writing my recent posts on grit I thought long and hard about her and so I invited her over to share her story and tell us what she thinks about grit.




Just for the sake of transparency, I must admit that writing this post has been one of the most challenging tasks I have ever faced.

Firstly, because I revere the owner of the blog and I hold her writing in the highest regard known to man.

Second reason being my own inner turmoil regarding the theme.


I would never in a billion centuries have pinned myself as the poster child for a young person with grit.



1. Like every human being out there I am scared of failure and therefore tend to be risk averse
2. I can recall many instances where I gave up too soon instead of pushing forward beyond the pain.


In spite of the above, I can admit that I am a very passionate human being.

I used to hate my life, I still do at times.

However, on the occasions that I remember that this is a gift that I am taking for granted, I determine to live and to live a life of positive impact.

I think that passion is what keeps me going.
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a published writer.


I figured that my purpose in life was to impact the world with the written word.

Then I was told that being an author was not a real job. That I needed to make a living for myself.


My dreams then changed from doing what makes me feel fulfilled to living a life of comfort and luxury. At some point or other, I wanted to be a biologist,  psychologist, a translator, an entrepreneur.

Presently all I want is to be happy.

I aspire to be at a place where I am doing what I love and I love what I am doing.

It’s a corny statement I know, but it truly defines me at the moment. I want to be the best possible version of myself and in doing so, I hope to be able to help others realize their own potential.


On hitting a cul-de-sac and moving forward

As my studies progressed it was apparent that I would not be completing my degree with everyone else in my class.  I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

One of the doctors I was seeing suggested that I fill up my days with productive tasks so that my mind does not wander into danger zones due to idleness.

I must admit that I was not aware it would take this long to complete my degree program.


However, with this waiting I have developed a degree of endurance, self acceptance and self appreciation.


Hopefully one day I will reach self love.


On life giving out lemons….

Life handed me lemons and they told me like they tell  everyone else that “when life hits you with lemons you should make lemonade.”

Making lemonade I did, I started working, taking up menial jobs.

And I decided while I sip the lemonade I will continue with my writing journey.

I have never stopped writing.


Words are my life.


They have kept me sane.


Words have brought me out of dark days and they still anchor me today.


When I write i release a part of myself onto the piece.

I have nearly a hundred poems that i have compiled. I am working on a story about a young woman growing into her own shoes.

I ran a Facebook page from December to March called Words Like Beads.

I enter as many writing competitions as I can because in spite of everything I still believe in my dream, which is also my purpose. I have not won any of the competitions as yet, but I know that I will not die until I have fulfilled my reason for living.


On grit running, failing and trying again


Grit. Off the top of my head, I would say that grit is the endurance.


Grit is the will to keep pressing on even when all odds are against you.


It is the strength to get up and fight though life keeps knocking you out.

It is the patience that you give yourself because you know that you are not perfect.


You will trip, you will fall, you will mess up your pretty white dress, you will break your crown.


But like a phoenix you will rise from the ashes because the best view of the sky is from when you are lying down on the ground.


On the “in between moments”


I might sound a bit ‘sunshine and clear skies’ in my optimism right now.

However, I will be the first to admit that I do get those dark cloudy days where I hate my life and myself and everything in between the two. Where I can’t see myself beyond waiting tables, doing menial office  work, a part time language course, while struggling to finish school.


I am here not because I want to live like this.

In fact, this is far beneath the life I intended for myself.

Nevertheless,  I understand now why people pace up and down the lobbies and waiting rooms.

It eliminates the helplessness  and mental agony of the wait.

Sometimes it is not because of impatience, but the will to keep busy during the time in between.

It is waiting productively.


Taking this journey step by step is what keeps me going.


I realized that so long as I am still moving, I am growing.

So long as I am growing, I am living. As long as I am living, I have not failed yet.


Let’s not just stand here, let’s climb up above the clouds and touch the stars.

Let’s walk, run, sprint beyond the horizon and chase the sun to our happily ever after-dream-come-true moments. 
Let’s do this life thing!ߘ;)




My name is Gaerupe Maduo Galeage. I prefer to be called Gae and it seems people find it easier to call me Maduo. I am pursuing (desperately) a degree in Finance at the University of Botswana and a part time diploma in the Chinese language. Some of my dreams include being a published author with my own publishing firm, travelling the world, learning French and Portuguese. I love my novels, chocolate, movies and selfies (I could build a selfie army). I am passionate about life. I aspire to live a life of impact and every breath is a step forward.  I value my family, my friends and my country. I hope to one day make them proud and take them with me all the way to the top.

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